Monday, May 12, 2008


Now this ain't hard to understand. It has to be real. Yeah, it ain't no good if it doesn't exist.

Even I know that part. And let me tell you the stuff some people try to get you to believe is so stupid.

Like I heard about these dudes selling what they called time share places. I mean I don't know, but there is something so phony about trying to get you to buy some property you will never really own.

It is kind of like those darn mobile homes. I need to have a place that is going to like move around on me? Where is the joy in that?

These people who sell this junk need to cut it out. They are not very nice to get you all excited over dumb stuff.

As for me, well I will stick with a tent. Well okay, you know not to live in, but for like an outing.

I know it is mine. Nobody is going to make me think otherwise. And I don't have to share it with somebody else.

Well maybe Otis some times. He chips in for the snacks so that helps. Just glad he don't want to use it all the time.

It is just kind of nice at times to savor what they call the great outfloors. That includes all the weird places like the mountains.

You do have to wonder about such places being cool. I mean for other than from stuff like snow.

Oh I guess they are good if you are in need of someplace to freeze your butt off. But otherwise I do wonder.

Anyway, I'm doing what I can to enjoy the floor part. When it is like grass. That can be nice.

Unless you are talking about the stuff in front of city hall. They aren't too friendly over there.

Always making a fuss if you happen to step on their grass. It ain't like I'm going to crap on it.

But they must think so. I mean you know like it is some kind of gold. Which it ain't. Oh well, I'm not complaining. Snuck over on it at nights enough.


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