Friday, May 16, 2008


Okay I think this ought to be easy to understand. This ain't time for dessert. It ain't time for a nap either.

It is more a time of bending over and having somebody kick you in the butt and then asking for more. A real joy to be sure.

But that is okay. Because you do get a chance to avoid it if you plan it right. Which means paying attention.

Basically this is where you avoid the curse of crude. That is what I call what somebody gets when you ask them how they are doing and they say, not so good.

That is not a time to sit back and ask if they want to come over for lunch. It is more a time to wish them well and find somewhere else to play.

Only problem is that the people won't stay away. Nope that will be a good thing if just kept their yuckys to themselves, but they don't.

They want to share them. They want to make you enjoy their lousy feeling so it makes them happy.

Kind of if I'm sick I will be sure others are too. Really sucks as an attitude, but I guess I can't blame them.

It is just not a cool thing to me. Nope I will never ask for that kind of company. Well unless they are strange on the not so good deal.

There are those you know who have this crazy idea that not so good is having only a ton of extra good stuff instead of two tons. So they kind of whine about junk in general.

Now my boss, Dr. Hemoglobin, can be like that a little. He is a cool dude in some ways. And it is shame he has old rat boy, Junior, for a son, but that is life.

Anyway he gets into these strange moods at times. Thinks we are in big trouble even when we are not.

Okay he does pay the bills and that can make a person grumpy, but sometimes he is find otherwise. Just freaks out over this thing called profit.

Not sure what that is, but I know black is good and red is bad. However, not really clear why, just that it works that way with him.

Which never makes sense when he talks about being upset when I make some griminal black and blue. Maybe it is just the blue part.

Guess I'll have to work on that part, black bruises only.

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: "Where do they keep the rock of ages? And how big is it?"


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