Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Can you believe somebody made song about this? What? Did they think we are all too stupid to know when we are feeling crummy?

Did they like go to school somewhere that this was a class. As maybe in you know have you sit and cutting up onions.

Then you bawl like some baby as they all make fun of you. That would sure bring out the feelings I guess.

Might also get you punched in the nose! Which is a different kind of feeling, but not always a good one.

I don't know, I can't understand all this you know talk about feelings. Ain't enough to have them?

Well you sort of imagine everyone has them. As long as they are alive. After that I can say for sure.

They never mention about all them feelings when you get into heaven. I mean under the robe you could be feeling pretty cool if they don't pass out underwear.

But nobody seems to think that needs to be talked about. Really would nice to know for sure.

I tried asking the Reverend Analbe about it once. But he never did really get around to answering my question.

I mean he does talk to God and all. You would think the subject would come up at least once.

Now personally, I think it would be cool if like he could have gotten say a postcard. You know just one.

Or maybe a catalogue showing you, which robe you get to pick out. I just figured that would be nice to know up front.

If I have my choice I don't want one of those you that doesn't open in the back. I mean if they are like hospital gowns I will not be happy.

Plus who wants to see somebody else naked butt throughout eternity. With some people that could be downright scary.

Wouldn't do much for one's mood either. Well that is feelings too if you ask me. And that guy who wrote the song probably didn't think of that.

Wish they would ask me on this stuff.


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