Monday, May 26, 2008


Oh man this is some kind of curse I think. Because in time really to me means never. Not even with help.

Otis uses this at times. Whenever he you know decides that something I really like ain't going to happen.

Instead of like saying forget it, he will use this in time thing. To give me the hope that someday things will improve.

I don't really mind if in time means you know eventually, but so far that never seems to happen. I'm still waiting on some junk.

But you know, I am working on trying to cut down on the in time situations. Oh yeah I really try to get Otis to be more specific.

Like come on and break out the calendar dude. Show me the actual date here I want to see it in writing.

We got a neighbor who is big for saying that. Always wants junk in writing. No matter what it is.

I don't think that is a problem, but shoot he just never allows for times when you can't put stuff in writing. Like if some neighbor's dog poops on his lawn.

I ask you if I see the dog, but can prove it, what good is writing it down going to do? But he never seems to listen anyway.

Why I could say, hey Martians are in your mailbox and I bet he wouldn't even notice or care. Just ask for it in writing.

Oh well I am doing the best I can to not tell him junk. Like the other day when he had a flat tire.

I sure wasn't going to tell him about it. Had no way to put that in writing. Wish what he said when found it would have been in writing.

Well maybe not I guess. Wasn't exactly some nice, uplifting words to be sure. But thank goodness, I didn't need to since he got it fixed without asking.

One of these days maybe I will even you know take time to say ask his wife about if she has in writing when all those ladies come by when she ain't home. Not sure what he and those ladies are doing, but doubt they keep much writing in the bedroom.

But can't say for sure, but seems like he spends an awful lot of time there too. So not sue why he needs to see things in writing anyway if he is in the dark in his bedroom a lot.


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