Tuesday, June 03, 2008


Now this is really weird to me. I mean it is hard to understand somebody asking you to call them a name or whatever.

Like that is a good thing? And they don't even mention what name either. Talk about stupid.

Oh well there are people out there like that. They are just so dang crazy in that way. Like saying, hey you can call me, then like you fill in the blank.

I sure wish you know that the person is aware you best be sure the other dude is somebody you trust. A person who will call you something nice.

Like buddy or dude or cool cat. Not like dufus or stupid. Those aren't quite reasons for smiles.

Still I guess if you like spend you time deciding to call it as a good thing you have some reason for saying that. At least you hope so.

I know one thing there are two people you don't want to do the calling. One is Granny Potts and the other is Ramy Jarvis.

Both of them will come up with some weird names. Like Granny Potts has this thing for cutsie names.

I'm sorry, but I don't feel much like being some Granny's life honey toad. Nope it don't sound cool to me.

But then with Ramy it would be worst. Most everyone younger than him he calls a snot nose runt.

And seeing how he is in his nineties most people are going to be called that name. Sure don't work for me.

What is worse is when they say something together. Then you can be honeyed snot toad of a runt.

This will not make you impressive to others. They don't bow to you when you get a name like that.

Only good thing is that they don't get out that much. Yeah, that makes it better in many ways.

Providing they don't get access to a phone. Now that ain't cool. I sure am not thrilled with that happens.

Fortunately that is something I have avoided so far. And hope to down the road.


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