Saturday, June 07, 2008


Now this shouldn't be complicated. It means junk that is really big. As in like the size of an elephant.

At least I would think of it that way. Not sure that everyone agrees though. I mean I've heard some people talk about something big about to happen.

But generally whatever it is doesn't end up being large in appearance. Oh they make it sound like the end of the world, but it never is.

Instead it is just a matter of them making it sound impressive. Only to me some small numbers on a piece of paper ain't big.

Well I'm sorry unless you are like going to put them on some big board somewhere they ain't going to be that big. All they will be is tiny.

Just like with those big news stories. I watch the news sometimes and I don't really see how one story is all that bigger than other in terms of size.

It ain't like they you know talk about it by shouting or holding up huge signs. Nope never happens.

But you know that is kind of okay I guess because everyone has a right to their idea of big. And if that makes them happy, cool.

Only I would kind of like to you know have them not make it sound so impressive. Then when you see the whatever it ain't even close.

I mean I would think that was really fair. Just give me a break here and keep your big stuff sort of as other than big unless you know I think so too.

And then we can all have the fun of like perhaps seeing really big junk when it is big and not get so disappointed at times. Now that seems like a good option to me.

But I guess if I had success in convincing others of this I would have to hear them talking about big junk that ain't really big. Nope that would not work.

So I reckon the only real choice I have is to like not to listen. That is easy to a degree, but not all the time.

I mean the problem is that you keep hoping there is always that one chance they really do know what is big. And you hate to miss out.

So being the sucker that I am I do take the time to like you know listen. And hope perhaps this time they will be right.

So far it hasn't happened, but I keep thinking there is always the first time.


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