Wednesday, July 02, 2008


Well let me tell you if you can avoid this then do. Oh man this ain't good when it happens to you.

Yeah, this is like having somebody beat the snot out of you. Only they do so with some means other than a bat.

Like figuring the best way to make you miserable. And to leave no marks so nobody can say what happen.

Now like I said if this happens to somebody else, cool. I will even clap. But I won't be celebrating if it is my butt that is getting reprisal stuff.

Then it is not a good deal you will laugh about and get all excited over. Nope done that and I don't get thrilled.

Our boss over at STINK likes this word a lot. Yeah he is always talking about reprisals on some griminals.

But then he never quite says what all the means. So it kind of leaves it up to us to figure out.

And that is okay, as long as he doesn't complain you know when I use my own idea of this deal. My idea is fun.

Well at least for me. A nice chat to use my bat. Yep, I really get excited by those. Just gives me lots of reasons to smile.

Only Dr. Hemoglobin doesn't always you know seem to appreciate my interpretation. I mean I just practice on the bad guys.

So that seems fair. Wish he saw it that way. He tends to get upset though if I make a mistake.

I mean I can't help it if part of this deal is guessing. You got to like draw the line somewhere.

In my case I like to draw it with my bat. Make the marks for lines. Right were I figure I need them most.

And that can be fair. I think it works good. Just doesn't seem like it works that way for others.

I guess they can be kind of picky. Like if I happen to make a small mistake. Just a minor one.

Well I mean you know that priest should have been dressed as a priest and not them old clothes. He should have said he was doing some painting.


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