Sunday, July 06, 2008


Man is this a joy or what? If you had all the answers in life it would be so much fun. Boy do I wish this was how life was all the time.

Now the one thing I don't have is as many answers as I have questions. There seems to be a real unfairness in that.

But you know I don't mind if that happens that way for me. What bugs me the most is how life seems to work different for others.

Man there are some people that seem to know everything. You can ask them any question and they have an answer.

Isn't that amazing. Never do they say like huh? Or I don't know. It is always some answer.

Which is cool. Only wish they would tell me how they manage it. I sure would like to know.

Problem is that they don't tell you how they do that. If you ask what they say sure doesn't help in being much of an answer.

So you just stand there and keep listening. Which is about all they let you do anyway. Because of the fact that it is they only thing that they let you do.

They are so busy talking they can't take time to listen. Guess when you know everything it makes sense.

But then it would be nice if like they gave you a chance to learn stuff too. Well enough so you had the answers.

I don't know, just don't seem fair in that regard. I'm kind of cool with it. Providing some time they let somebody else know stuff too.

Haven't seen it myself. Those guys sure ain't about to share from what I've seen. Nope, they just let you keep listening.

And that is alright I guess. Only I keep wondering what school they went through where they did that kind of learning.

I sure haven't seen any college called know-it-all school. Hmmm, wonder what kinds of classes they would offer?

Think I would be afraid to find out. I mean the homework for knowing everything would be awful. Would take forever to finish I bet.

Gosh I wonder if at least they let you get some certificate to let you know you know it all, providing you could remember.


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