Sunday, July 20, 2008


Well for me that is no problem. I never do any dancing. Well with my tummy maybe. When it is full of jelly beans.

But otherwise no. And never really understood the big deal about dancing anyway. Just a lot of headaches to me.

The other night Otis decided to take me to a special dance. It was called a ballet. And about the only thing I can say good is that I didn't have to dance.

Sure was a weird thing though. All those people dressed in white underwear holding their arms up so high like to show off their deodorant was working.

This is something I needed to know? And the sure danced funny. All that tip toe and leaping around.

Well I sure wasn't impressed. But the folks in the audience seemed to be. Oh yeah, when it was all over the did lots of clapping.

Just not sure if that was for the dancing or for being happy it was over. Never was sure on that one.

I must admit that I was sure glad it ended. Yeah was kind of boring just sitting and watching them.

At least they could have done something to make it more interesting. Yeah, maybe stop for a sword fight in the middle.

Or even have a wrestling match. Yep, I wish they would ask me, I would fix them right up, no problem.

But then I guess they will never need to ask me since those other people acted like the loved it. So maybe I will just send them a note.

Like I do to the movie people. Still waiting to hear back from them. You know I'm sure it does take a while.

But I'm all set when they do. Ready to head of to Hollywood and make that epic movie about aliens and jelly beans.

Bound to be a hit too. Can't beat that combination. And plus I would be glad to be in charge of the jelly beans.

Heck, somebody would need to be. So I could handle it. Might even share a few with the actors.
Providing no real aliens showed up.


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