Friday, July 18, 2008


Now nobody knows more about this than the Reverend Analbe. He's real big on saving people.

Well I guess he really doesn't save them. Kind of makes it the Lord's job. But he sure knows all about it.

Mainly with him it seems to be about not doing stuff. Only he's kind of vague on the stuff you can do.

Except for maybe getting him donuts. That seems to be okay. In fact he really seems to be important.

In any case after talking to him. I sort of figured that I would like you know figure the rest out myself.

Which I don't think is that tough. And the first part I know is how kids and moms are the first ones to get saved.

Saw it on this movie once. They were on this sinking boat and somebody yell out save the women and children first.

So I guess that means you know that if there is a risk of somebody getting wet then the women and children get first shot at being saved. Um, something like that I reckon.

Anyway, I guess this is a good thing. I mean it is cool that ladies and kids are important and I don't have any complaints over that part.

But then you know kind of leaves me confused a bit on the boat deal. I mean does it work that way other than on water?

Guess that might be the part about baptism. Seems like that is very important in this deal. At least from the way the Reverend talks.

Oh well I suppose in other ways this has to do with banks. A lot of saving seems to go on there.

Which do make me wonder if those banks are like in same business as the Reverend. Don't seem to be the case, but I guess you never know.

Never seen any donuts in there though. Unless the Reverend was there and took them all. Which is a different kind of saving I reckon.

Well guess I have to give that some more thought. Not sure it matters much. But would be nice I guess to have it all make sense.

Just hope I don't have to give a bunch of kids some bath. Not interested in that option.

Thought for the week: "What's up with mermaids anyway? Are they a product of some bad inventor? Or was God sort of wavering on if man needing fins?"


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