Saturday, August 02, 2008


Now there are good kinds of help and then the kinds that make things worse. I sure know the difference.

But not sure everyone does. I mean I am grateful when I get help. I really try to say thanks.

However, it does get kind of tough if the person like messes you up. Say like the are driving to come to your rescue and run over you in the process.

I've heard those people say it is the thought the counts. Well not sure they were even thinking in that situation.

I have a hard time you know thinking in terms of saying thank you if somebody has a car parked on my chest. Just really so tough to feel grateful.

Now there are some who you know might appreciate the problem. They would recognize the fact that tire marks on your face don't help you smile.

Still there are the times when you know you have to deal with some dude who might run over you with a car. And is so busy racing his engine to even care that you are asking for help.

Oh yeah, then they are also the kind who would dare to expect you to pay for any damage to their cars. Can you believe that?

Well I had trouble with it. But then the other day it sort of happen to me. Not quite the same.

It involved a shopping cart. And sort of ran over my foot. The dude that did it was not quite a help to me.

Oh I think he meant to be. But you know sometimes you just sort of mess up. See he was trying to help me by getting this can off the top shelf.

And in the process he lost his footing and well one thing lead to another and before you know it the cart's tire was on my foot. Didn't feel so good either.

Gosh didn't quite make my day. And he sort of got surprised when I wasn't very happy about it either.

I suppose maybe we could have tried a ladder instead of him standing in the shopping cart, but oh well next time I guess. And I might have found a better way of being helpful than with that can.

But then he did learn I guess and I got the can discounted from being dented after it accidentally sort of hit his head. So guess it wasn't all bad.


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