Thursday, August 07, 2008


Now this is a good question. Unless you are like rich and have all kinds of money. Even say you know as much as a hundred bucks. Wow, that is a fortune.

So for the rest of us it really is a big deal. I mean to just be able to like take time to be sure somebody ain't making us nuts on the price of junk.

Can't be happy when that happens. I know I can't. Just bugs me if I am like sitting there drooling over some thing I see and can't afford it.

Man does that really bug me. Especially if they make it possible to like think you can afford it.

Them darn sales people are so sneaky that way. The other day I was downtown and just walking past this car lot.

This salesman called to me and said hello. Well I didn't want to seem unfriendly so I said hi back.

Then we got to talking and he mentioned about wondering if I would like a new car. Well heck, who wouldn't?

I sure wouldn't turn one down. And so he showed me all the great cars, all them fancy things they do and what not.

Boy they sure were cool. And I got all excited about the idea of being able to own one of them.

So then we moseyed over to his office. The place was nice. We sat down with him acting like he was my best bud.

Even asked about my wife and kids. Course I don't have them, but he didn't seem all the concerned with that part.

Anyway, we sat there and he was playing with his calculator. Then mentioning about things like different kinds of numbers on the sticker.

It all sounded impressive. Sort of I guess. And I sure was getting excited about those keys in my hand.

Then all of sudden he started talking about money. As in from me. Man he never mentioned a word about it before then.

That sure wasn't a good thing to not tell me before then. And I didn't end up with a car either.

Did get his business card. In case my ship comes in, whatever that means.


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