Thursday, August 14, 2008


I ain't too crazy about these choices. You get it all or you get skunk. Man does that end up being a pain.

Now I do like something. Not a complain zero. Unless you are talking about grime. Then nothing is cool.

But for other junk I want you know an option. Like give me a little of one thing and some none of whatever.

Hopefully you get a choice. Which is really important. I don't know that darn nothing side just don't cut it for me.

But that is okay. I am working on fixing this situation. Yeah, that is the best way to improve things.

Providing you can get some people to cooperate. That ain't always the easiest deal either. Not with those who think they have to be first.

Too many like that out there. You can be sure of that part. Wish it wasn't that way. And I sure would like to fix it.

Just not sure how. I mean when you are talking about unreasonable people you have to be creative.

I figure there is an easy way to fix it. My bat can work wonders. Well if Otis lets me use it.

But too often he don't. He kind of makes a big deal on that part. Heck I think it is the perfect option.

Only there are times when a little bashing sure does save words. Yeah, that is a good deal.

Well it is too me. And I reckon I would still want to keep in practice. Just for those special occasions.

For some you know that happens every day. Well I sure find them special. Others not as much.

I will fix it when I can. A nice few practice swings make a lot of difference. Too bad you know that it isn't when I want to.

Which is far more often than what I get to choose. But I still will make it work when I can.

That being all the time when I can manage it.


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