Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Well I suppose this means in another life time. I've heard about having other lives. They call it ream-a-carnation.

Not sure what those carnation flowers have to do with having more than one life, but must fit in there somewhere. So maybe it has to do with spring.

You know since that is when the do like bloom and all. And let me see, perhaps somewhere they maybe take time to be something other than a flower.

I can imagine that is where the Easter Bunny comes in Yeah, I bet. Like he hauls eggs around, but in the off season kind of messes with lives.

You know like works with the stork or something. After all the stork is known for delivery babies.

I wonder if that where the term COD come in. Like change of diapers? Yep, perhaps like they run a shuttle between heaven and the earth.

Then when the time is right and that statue of limitations is up, that is probably the one I saw that had no arms, then you get another shot and being a people again.

I sure hope that somewhere in all of that they make allowances for if you were crummy in the last one. I would hope jerks don't get a break on that level.

You just never know. But I bet there are rules about it somewhere. Maybe in heaven. Only they don't let us read them.

Well I did ask the Reverend Analbe about this. I told him all about the flowers and Easter Bunny and all.

I was you know hoping to impress him with how I figured all that stuff out without his help. And I got to admit I think I did.

Man let me tell you his face got all red and he sure was unable to say a word. Yeah, for him that is a big deal.

Didn't keep him from eating donuts though. Haven't seen anything do that. Which is a good thing I suppose.

Not sure I was ready to try and get him tell me about what other lives he had. Bet donuts were involved somehow

Yeah, he is definitely and expert on the donuts. Maybe it is just from all that practice. Yeah, he gets a lot of that.

Maybe that is the ambrosia they talk about.


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