Sunday, August 17, 2008


This is such a cool word. When you hear it from somebody it can really be so wonderful. Nice to be asked something in a kind way.

Sure is better than gimmie that right now. Makes you feel like the person respects you a little.

Unless you are talking where the person says something doesn't please them. Now that is a bummer.

And even more so if they like are extra picky. Yeah, because you know nothing is going to make them happy, no matter what.

Those kind of people are not my favorite. Sure don't make my bud list. Not even close. I won't say the kind of list they do make though.

Fortunately once you know the person is like that, you can pretty much not mess with them again. Unless you work with them.

I got that problem at work. Normally I would be talking about old rat, boy Junior, but not this time.

With him please is word that never fits into his thinking as possible. I could like kiss his butt and dance like a monkey and he would find something he didn't like.

But in this case I am talking about somebody else. This lady that works as one of the secretaries.

She's in charge of junk like reports. And let me tell you she can be one heck of a pain in the butt.

You can fill out a report just like she asks and she will hate it. Always sends it back for more information.

And you try to remember the next time what she asked last time so you don't forget it next time. Just doesn't do much good.

She will still say it is wrong. Whew, not my favorite person to be sure And at least Otis has figure a way to make her feel the same thing.

Because she is in charge of supplies too. Otis will order something and then when it comes in say it is the wrong type.

Well gives us a few laughs at times. Not lots, but a few. Sort of makes up for when we get a report back with all those red marks.

Makes me feel like I'm in school. Only no tests and homework is something I have to fudge about not doing.


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