Monday, August 25, 2008


I sure don't enjoy this part. When you are told somebody knows a secret and they claim they can't tell you.

Man do I hate it. I mean why tell me you can't tell me? Just don't even mention it in the first place.

But it never works that way. It is always some darn jerk who just gets so dang excited making it seem like this is a great thing.

So they have to be sure you know about it so they can feel better about themselves. Only it never ends up with them knowing something all that cool.

Oh at first it might seem like it, but that is only before they really get to telling you the details. Then it really sucks.

Because it is not in anyway as cool as they make it sound by their hints. Just one of those crummy deals that never ends up being a good deal.

Just one of those things that bores you. Well it does me. And you can be sure that is not going to give me a smile.

A headache perhaps, but never a smile. Wish it didn't come with a smile, but that ain't the case.

Course I do appreciate you know how we are talking situations here where people can have strange ideas of good. Like a secret that is a great secret.

Such as say if you were talking about something like say if they knew where there was a secret jelly bean factory. I could get jazzed by that.

But it never works out that way. Whatever they knew is never that cool. And as long as they take time to keep it to themselves I wouldn't mind.

One thing I have come to appreciate is how this will always have one rule. The more the info is crummy the more they will keep it a secret.

Like they can sense it is dull. Yeah, I need to know that! Oh yeah we all love that part. But that is okay.

I just do them the same favor. Yep, sometimes I like to feed them a little surprise or two myself.

Always like when they roll their eyes. As if that is such a shock to them. Heck what can I say?

Just part of the fun if you get a chance to not groan about it.


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