Wednesday, August 27, 2008


How come horses get the glory on this thing? What gives with that? Well I got to admit I sure don't have any you know reason to understand myself.

Now don't get me wrong. Horse are cool. I mean I haven't hung around them much. In fact I guess not at all.

So I can say what the big deal is. But somebody thinks they cool. And not all that moody like some people.

Yeah, you know how some people can be. Well guess horses must be masters a being cool.

At least that is the way it seems to me. Because they talk about horse stables. Must be plural for some reason.

And you can be sure that isn't a place I have much reason to visit. I reckon I could if somebody would have it make sense.

Now I suppose there is some secret to it. Like I should really be out asking people why some horse is so happy all the time.

Maybe it is the carrots or hay or oats. I heard that oatmeal is good for you. So perhaps the have a big bowl for breakfast.

Wonder how they use a spoon? Or even a bowl? Guess that part of what makes them so cool.

Any I reckon that if anyone understands this it has to be some dudes who like you know ride horses a lot. Like cowboys.

Never understood why they are called horseboys. They do spend all their time with horses and all.

And so you know kind of makes more sense to me. But they call them cowboys. Seems kind of unfair to horses though.

Seeing how they are the ones that are stable and all. Yeah, that would be fair to me though I haven't heard of horses complaining.

Not sure they even talk. At least not in regular words. Perhaps they use sign language. Might be called hoof language I guess.

One of these days I think I'll try to mosey over to one of those places that horses hang out. There is the one that you can take your picture with over at the park.

Seems kind of mellow I guess.


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