Wednesday, September 03, 2008


Oh yeah this is a good deal. Light is something to get happy about. Well it is to me. And hope so for others too.

I get sort of confused though on some this thing. I mean I know what a light bulb is. And we know what the sun light is.

But I don't get how they manage to get lights into thing like boxes of frozen foods. Even spell it weird. Make it lite. Guess trying to save letters.

Not sure how that helps. But the seem to think it helps. And I reckon that is okay. Just not sure I know the plus part.

Now perhaps it means they got some light inside like in a refrigerator. You know the kind that comes on when you open the box.

Tried opening one of those boxes, only didn't see one inside. Maybe it was hidden somehow.

But that is okay I reckon. If they put it on the box I will assume it is true. Ain't that a law somehow?

Now what I want to know is you like get an extra bill because of them? Hope it doesn't mean like you know an electric bill.

I wonder how they would even find you. Do they like have some kind of special finder deal?

Sounds kind of scary to me. Yeah, I do love that idea. I mean do they have meter readers lurking in the aisles?

Boy does that sound weird. But I reckon if it works for some then it is a good thing. As for me, well I think I will avoid it if I can.

I mean the last thing I want is to be like opening some can of whatever and get knock on the door. That would be terrible.

Oh well you never know, it will be so much fun. A chance to find out if by chance they have some meter hidden in the box.

Not sure that sounds all that appealing to me. I guess it works for some. Man I wonder if they like shut off the cans somehow if you don't pay the bill.

Really sounds crazy. Talk about an energy crisis. Wow that could be amazing. Talk about not cool

I don't think I would be thrilled. Guess I will just stay away from them cans.


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