Wednesday, September 10, 2008


These are those big iron goodies on boats. Which is a good thing I guess. I mean you know you are supposed to use them sort of like brakes on a car.

Only they aren't shaped like a shoe. Which is kind of strange. Well it is to me. And I just can't figure out why they are so confusing.

I mean if they all suppose to be used for braking the how come they don't you know make them all look the same? Come on let's make sense of it.

Yeah, I figure that stopping is a pretty important deal. You know it sure wouldn't do if you couldn't.

Now what I want to understand is how they can't make them anchors for other stuff? I mean if they are all that cool why don't you get them for planes?

Yeah, that would see important. So you could do better with them than those things they call air brakes.

I don't know about you, but air is cool. Just not sure how good it is at stopping stuff. Can't see it, so it is hard to figure out.

I never thought of air as something that could possible stop anything. But must work for them planes.

Unless you know they don't work for some reason. Hope that doesn't end up being the reason that planes crash.

Gosh does that mean that planes should use anchors them? Hmmm, kind of have to wonder.

Well, I don't know who you can ask to find out for sure. Let's see, now you need to so with boats and planes.

Er, reckon it must deal with like you know sea planes then. I wonder if they use both? Well I suppose it might be fun to find out.

Now where can I find a sea plane to know for sure? There aren't any around where I live.
None that I know of.

Suppose that someplace by the ocean would be the best place to check. I don't live near the ocean though.

So I could call. However, not sure where to check first. Yeah, that's it. I will call the navy.

Maybe later. They might still be pissed when I called about the toilets on submarine thing.


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