Saturday, September 13, 2008


Ah, this is something that you just get all gnarled up inside over. Yeah, I have to admit that it ain't that cool.

And it always comes right when you are all excited. Which really sucks. Yep, I have to admit this is one area that I can live without.

Now it normally starts when you are all jazzed. You got some good news and want to celebrate.

Then some creep comes along to be sure you in no way able to enjoy yourself. Yeah, this is really not a cool thing.

And you can be darn sure that will not stop. Nope that never changes. Well when you are dealing with the same people.

Nope the ones like that totally suck. They are just no good at doing anything except pissing you off.

Now the best way for me to deal with this is to take and make it work for me is to create a list. One kind of like Santa Claus might use.

See this is where you take all the jerks who ruin your day and put them on one list. Then you have the list of those who make you feel good.

What is really great is if you can take the time to you know try and let the one group meet the other. And hope they can like fight it out.

Well at least to the point that the ones on the good list win. If they lose then it really is worse.

Now I do really like to make sure this works out in a way that I don't end up with more bad dudes left. Which does take some thought.

I had you know given thought to like getting the good ones a bunch of bats. And then giving them the places to find the bad guys.

I might have even done it if Otis hadn't stopped me. Yeah, he get weird about such junk at times.

Course it doesn't mean I have to tell him either. Yeah, I hate not always letting him know about junk, but sometimes you gotta do, what you gotta do.

Just can't explain it to him that way. He tends to get a little less than happy about finding out about this later.

Sadly people who get bashed a lot tend to talk.


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