Sunday, September 21, 2008


Nothing is more frustrating to me than if you can't find the stupid on button that makes something work. Really is such a pain.

The other day I was over at STINK headquarters and was helping out in the office. Yeah, it happens some times.

Normally I just help out with stuff like taking out the trash. But once and a while I take my turn at the paper work.

The thing is I was sitting there and doing some stapling. Yeah, they sure need that done a lot.

Anyway, I was doing a good job. Everything that needed stapled got stapled. And the thing was I guess I was doing such a good job, they took a break.

Well the thing is I was there by myself and figured it was a good time to catch up on stuff like using the computer. Figured that was fair.

So I went over to the one and tried to turn it on. I must have pressed every button I could find and nothing happen.

Boy did that suck. Honestly I hated it. I figured must have been some kind of problem and maybe it was broke.

So then I went over to another one and same thing happen. Now I'm really getting pissed.

And brother was that so frustrating. It was like they hated me or something. Well I kept trying.

Even tried to hit them a few times. You know sometimes that seems to help. Well it didn't though.

Then I figured maybe the wires were the problems. So I took off the back to check out the wires.

Man they had a lot of them. Oh I worked on them a lot, but didn't get them to turn on. Which really sucked.

Eventually the people did come back. Guess it turn out there was this one switch on the wall that controlled the electricity to the outlets.

Which was kind of nice to find out. But I guess it didn't change much. I mean even after the flipped those switches the computers wouldn't come on.

Glad to know it wasn't my fault.


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