Wednesday, October 01, 2008


Man do I hate when this happens. Really is such a pain. I mean this occurs with me way too often.

And let me tell you I do not have a good time when it does. Yep, I can sure live without this option.

For me this takes place whenever Otis and I will got someplace new. And I have no idea how far it is.

Otis ain't the best at giving me the details either. He kind of gets vague on it. Sometimes I think he does it to be like able to not admit he's lost.

Yeah, like he really doesn't know where we are going. Which kinds of bugs me a lot. I really get kind of annoyed when that happens.

But trying to get him to admit he's lost never works. Oh man forget that idea. I just have to sit there and act like he's not acting all stressed out.

Most of the time this is just when we are say out on some errand. So no big deal in terms of time.

Only if we are out on a grimefighter assignment then well that is different. Yeah, time is kind of a big deal.

Which gets even worse at nights. I mean you can really get nuts in those situations. Yep, that just ain't fun.

Really is such a pain. Yeah, you are out there trying to find the bad guys and get lost. Such don't add to the inspiration.

And hardly gives me any sense of pride. I really don't get very thrilled by it at all. Otis tries to make it all sound like no big deal.

Man the stuff he comes up with when we ended up not finding the bad guys. Like it is somehow an okay deal.

Sure doesn't end up that way with our boss, Dr. Hemoglobin. He's not that cool about us being lost.

And you can be sure I don't try to explain. Nope, not me. I let Otis do al the talking. He does a pretty decent job.

As long as nobody asks him about maps. Then he kind of really starts sweating a lot. Which can be fun to watch.
Oh well, all the joy I guess.


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