Friday, October 03, 2008


Okay, I know all about bugs. They are really creepy little things that get into all kinds of places.

Now I understand how that works. Heck, don't mind it at all. What I do mind is when you get stuck with them.

You ain't got enough of whatever to kill them off. Yeah, that sucks. I hate when the happens.

Now it isn't bad enough that you have to mess with them stupid things lurking around there are other problems. Yeah, apparently they roam around other places.

Like apparently they can get into computers. How scary is that? And into machines and other stuff.

Man where does this end? Honestly, I do have to wonder where the smart is in any of that?

I mean really I was over the other day at this one store and the person was talking about this new machine they have invented. Did some kind of new stuff.

Wasn't really clear on that part, but it sure sounded cool. Then he said it needed to have the bugs worked out yet.

Well shoot that really sucks. I mean honestly, how come they got into it in the first place?

Are these like cooties or something? Sounds awful. Really these little bugs sure sound like something we don't need.

Heck, I bet they come from something like another planet. Yeah, would be just like them darn aliens to pull something like that.

Course it might be an accident. Like say if them bugs snuck into their spaceships when the were parked somewhere.

Wow, then these could be really crappy space cooties. Yuck! Hope they don't have like brain termites.

Now that would be really disgusting. I mean we have enough to worry about in life. Sure don't need that too.

Well guess I will just make sure I don't buy any junk with bugs in them. That might be hard.
Not sure, they will tell you the truth about them, but guess I will try not to find out.

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: "Forgiveness is strangling your pillow instead of somebody's throat."


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