Wednesday, October 29, 2008


See this is not something I think ought to be. I think you need to make up your mind. Go up or go down. Don’t mix them.

People seem to hung up on that if you ask me. Yeah, look at all the junk that you go both up and down.

Like hot air balloons. Airplanes, elevators and escalators. Is somebody trying to tell us something?

I do wonder about that part. Maybe we need more roller coasters were you sort of you know never go completely up or down.

Just get part of the way there and then can see you are going down again. But then in the end you just stay even.

Sort of sounds far better to me. Yeah, I think it is what matters that you have hope. And not some lame thing where you only get it part way.

Now that ain’t saying escalators and stuff aren’t important. They are. But wish they had a plane that was really non-stop.

Oh I hear the talk about them all the time. Just never see them. Like they are sort of you know a dream.

Might be cool though if they were for real. Probably be a space ship. One that is own by them alien types.

Only I ain’t sure them trips would be cool. I saw how them space dudes can be so strange.

So not sure it would be worth you know that kind of problem. Nope, not to me. I think I will just keep hoping they make a law about them fights.

They seem to make a law about it with everything else so why not that too. Probably under that frequent flyer goody.

They would be the ones I reckon who would enjoy it the most. Yep, I would be sure they knew it was okay.

Providing that had some decent you know movies and what not. Might need a lot on a non stop trip.

But then I guess I wouldn’t mind. Providing they had enough snacks. Really got to be sure on that part.

Well guess I will wait for it to come on the news. They do that with everything else.


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