Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Man, those bullfighter types are sure strange. I mean they never even wear gloves. So where is the sense in that?

Plus they were those odd looking hats and those real tight clothes. Oh the cape is nice, but I don’t think they have any like championship belt.

Now wrestling sort of makes more sense. As long as you are talking like wrestling people.

I suppose you could wrestle something else to compete with the bullfighter thing. Maybe an elephant.

Might be different. Yeah, you never know how that would end up working out. But I sure don’t want to find out.

And besides what do you get if you do win in punching out some cow? Really is there a big prize for that?

Is this some kind of cowboy deal? Perhaps some strange kind of rodeo situation. And who is this OLAY dude they keep shouting about at these bullfights?

I reckon that might be the one who you know raises the bulls. Perhaps even gives them boxing lessons.

I don’t see how they wear those gloves though. And they also never wear any kind of shorts.

So who gets to decide when the bull is getting hit below the belt? See they never make any of this clear.

Well I don’t know, I suppose it is a good thing to somebody. Only not sure I understand why yet?

The other thing you have to wonder about is the reason they call the mat-a-dor. Do they like have some special welcome mat in front of their doors?

One with perhaps a bull on it. Sort of to create the illusion that you know they aren’t really mad at bulls.

That way they don’t piss off the people who think animals have rights. Hope it isn’t too hard so it knocks out the matador with one punch.

Well I did try calling up this one place I heard of that had bulls around. A ranch. You know to see if any of their bulls being duking it out.

Didn’t get any answer though. Think something one wrong with the phone. I kept being disconnected.


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