Saturday, October 18, 2008


I sure hope this ain’t no law. Man that would be terrible. Nope if that was somebody’s idea of a good move, forget it.

Now it is bad enough to know these things happen. But the thing is when was it decided we needed these?

Course they do come after some other shock. Like one was not enough. Guess it is by somebody’s ideas.

Sure not mine. And I know nobody asked my opinion about them. Maybe as a you know thrill ride it might make sense.

But outside of some amusement park it don’t seem to have much value. At least nobody comes around to charge you for the experience.

I’m sure glad for that. Boy that would really suck. However I can imagine some of those darn politicians would give it a shot.

They do have weird idea of fun at times. Like on that subject of taxes. Now really that is such a crazy idea.

I don’t see where they are part of the pursuit of happiness stuff that you are suppose to get. Really have to wonder on that part.

Still I reckon somebody thought it was cool. Wish they would have asked first. Or even put it to a vote.

Oh well haven’t notice with this shockwave stuff that voting matter either. It all ends up being a big question.

Sort of like, okay who cut the cheese. Nobody wants to admit it was them. Hey, give us a break and tell us the truth.

Well sounds wonderful. A great notion. But never seems to work out as they expected. Not fun being all shook up.

Not that I have noticed. Wish it was. I wished it was a big joy too. But sitting and shaking sure doesn’t seem to cut it to me.

Oh well I reckon I’ll just do what I can to avoid it. Then I won’t have to worry. I can just smile and savor the whole process.

At least I hope it works that way. Just had to say till I try. And you never know when that might happen.

Maybe in my life time even.


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