Friday, October 10, 2008


Okay, now to me the rule ought to be, if you don't like something don't mess with it. I think that makes sense.

Not sure why some insist upon griping and still wanting something anyway. Where is the sense in that?

Guess those you can please some. I mean I really don't think I try that much. I just tend to ignore those darn nuts who do that.

I'm not saying griping is all bad. There are sometimes it happens and you can prevent it from taking place.

I mean for me I sure love to gripe about grime. And sure don't want more of it either. Nope I don't want that.

Only I can't get rid of all grime. Might be fun to try. Would make my day easier. Just not sure how much.

Still I would enjoy finding out. Well to a degree I guess. But then I also am not sure if things would be better if I did have no grime to fight.

I suppose though I could find other junk to fight. Or maybe have fun over. Yeah fun would be, well fun.

Now of course, I can imagine ever griping over a lack of grime. And I sure wouldn't like you know go out and swipe stuff to solve the problem.

Which is definitely nuts if you ask me. Yeah, that sucks big time. Unless you are say a cop.

They sort of get paid to keep people from swiping stuff. And so they might find the gripers a good thing.

Somehow I imagine they do get lots of business. Even without gripers. They are plenty who seem to want to swipe even if they don't need to.

Hard to see that as a good deal. But then who says people have to make sense? I haven't noticed it to be a good thing?

Mainly because there is fun in acting silly at times. Yep, got to love those times. Well I know I do.

In any case, I am happy to gripe about what needs to be gripe about and then forget the other stuff. Well till I need something.

Only not sure I swipe it while complaining.

Thought for the week: "Tax is like at tack, it has a point, but it painful to experience."


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