Saturday, October 11, 2008



This is big stuff. Like a wow on the scale of important. Mess it up and you can end up in big trouble.

We're talking with a capital T. Yeah, that kind of stuff. They type that makes sure they never leave you to forget if you blow it.

In any case I am sure glad I pay attention. Otherwise I could get like hit by some thunderbolt.

Yeah, now that is really scary. And you can be darn sure that it will be something I will watch out for.

Well I didn't have any concerns over this before last Sunday. That is when I found out about it.

Right there in the Reverend Analbe's church. Yep, he said the word and then mentioned how God was in favor of it.

Well that is the big deal. I mean the Reverend does talk to God personally. So he would know.

And boy let me tell you it sure was something to have him talk about it. Yep, let me say the way he explained this deal if you were devoted you might as well paint a big bull's eye on your behind.

Really is something else to imagine. Oh man let me tell you that is not something that I want to forget.

The hard part was really understanding. I mean he wasn't all that clear on exactly how this devoted thing worked.

Oh it was about showing up every week. And making sure you tipped him or whatever that money part is called.

Anyway, I kind of understood it all. Then he mentioned about doing. Now as far as I could tell the doing meant showing up and working at whatever he thought you should do.

I guess that is okay. But I know that somewhere that has to include donuts. Yeah, I heard him talk about having a work day.

And he mentioned about somebody bringing donuts. Which I guess is okay. Only I'm not sure I would like a thunderbolt for getting the wrong kind.

He didn't mention that part either. Guess that is something to worry about.


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