Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Who is the maniac that first came up with the idea of tests? I bet it was some demented person that loves to give out pain.

I mean really what good comes from tests? I wish I could say fun stuff. But most tests are such an annoyance.

Now I know you can’t please some. That will depend on what you like to do. And boy that is different for everyone.

So this test business is really something I would like to change. Now the thing is you know at work I can’t avoid them.

I just wish they made more sense. I mean does it seem right to test me on being a grimefighter?

Seems kind of pointless. I do that stuff everyday. So it is like them checking to see if I did my job.

But you would figure you know the fact that I do it all the time would be enough. Shoot how hard is that to understand?

Oh well the thing is I wouldn’t mind if it wasn’t such a pain in the butt. That is because we end up being asked all kinds of junk we never do.

I mean you would figure they would ask us that actually has something to do with our jobs. Important junk like about bats.

That would be easy to answer. Bats I know. And even being about wearing beanies would be cool too.

But soon that wasn’t even on the test. They had this stupid section to do with trash can lids.

Like what do I really need to know beyond the fact that it is a lid? Man they wanted to talk about size and usefulness.

Oh well I was glad that it didn’t work out so it mattered in terms of our being grimefighters.

Oh they like to make it seem as if you are in big trouble. But we all knew that was bogus and that is a good thing.

Now the fun I guess is that we can totally ignore what we didn’t know in the first place. As long as we get the bad guys.

That is one test you can’t afford to miss.


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