Friday, April 04, 2008


Why is it when somebody says they want to have a discussion they really mean a lecture? Ain't a discussion suppose to be two way?

I would hope it would work that way. Only it never does. Well not with the people I get stuck talking to.

Let me tell you this deal of discussing junk is pure crap. And let me tell you I ain't impressed at all.

About the only time this seems to be close to talking is when Otis mentions it. Course he does sort of let me talk to.

Well between those fits of rambling. They can be so scary too. When he gets that glassy look in his eyes and starts saying weird junk.

I mean about stuff like metaphors and philosophy and things to do with other kinds of crap that don't make a whole lot of sense to me. At least I think it would be nice if I didn't have to go huh when he was talking.

In any case I'm just glad he mainly gets hung up on this once and a while. Mainly after eating to much Spam.

Which is about the time I'm sucking down tons of jelly beans so that is cool. I can le the sugar rush to help make it better.

But the big problem is that almost every time he gets into one of his discussion modes then we get back to base and see Junior. And he is the pits in terms of discussions.

Only way to shut him up his with a big hunk of cheese. Which I never carry on me. Like I could.

But that is okay. I have worked on an emergency solution. Cheese crackers seem to work the best.

At least we tell him they are cheese crackers. Thanks goodness for that yellow paint and cheese scented air freshener.

Really makes a difference. At least to the point it has shut him up. Well for that time. Maybe not every time, but enough so he doesn't discuss junk.

Now all I have to do is get past Ramy Jarvis when he's had too much prune juice. Yeah that really stinks, literally.

But at least I can avoid him by telling him Junior wants to see him. And that is he fun part.

Thought for the week:"What is the tax when you get paid chicken feed?"


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