Thursday, March 27, 2008


I think this is good when you mean it. Gets real tough when you don't. And let me tell you that ain't no fun when it happens while taking a poll.

Otis and I get stuck doing this from time to time. Man is it a pain too. I mean let me tell you it can be so much of a hassle.

Well see the thing is we have to go out there and knock on doors from time to time in order to ask questions for STINK. Maybe about dirt.

You know all the important ones that really count. Like are you now or have you ever been a serial filther?

Hey, we got to ask. Part of the job. Just hard to get the people excited about answering. They kind of get rather uncooperative.

Maybe we should try it other than Saturday morning. Or after sun up Yeah, that would really be helpful I guess.

Couple of people mentioned that part. Really were not very happy about it. Course Otis said we still had to you know say the part about thanking them.

Which really didn't make much sense to me given the fact they never did give us any time. So what did we have to be grateful about?

Otis said it anyway. Although I'm not sure they heard us what with slamming the door in our face and all.

Well I was perfectly happy to give up. But not Otis. Man did that not impress me, but he still made us keep going.

Let me tell you that time thing was not much fun when nobody talks to you. And sure hard to be thankful for that.

Still Otis didn't look at it that way. Which wasn't much fun to me. But the nice thing is the break time.

That was sitting down at the donut shop. And then after a few donuts Otis felt different about things

As in he filled out the surveys without his own opinion. At least Dr. Hemoglobin was happy when we got back.

Made him thrilled to find out how many people were crazy about clean. Was sort of true. Well almost.


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