Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Well you got to admit this must be pretty dang important if I mention them together. And to me if you are given a blindfold you better duck.

Because nobody hands you a blindfold unless it is for a bad reason. Of that you can be sure.

Unless it is for a surprise party. Then maybe it is cool. But that doesn't come up that often.

And you pretty much figure that part out because it happens around your birthday. So that is easy to figure out.

What ain't as cool to know is when it is for some other reason. Then you got a problem. And that ain't good.

Well not to me. Because if they give you a blindfold they might also give you a cigarette. And those things will kill you.

So I sure don't want anybody doing that to me. Not when they are going to try and stick some cigarette in my mouth.

For that they can go elsewhere. And you can be darn sure I won't let that happen if I can avoid it.

Now I reckon I ought to say something good about ducks. Seeing how they were mention in the title and all.

Well I guess I could say that at least you don't need a blindfold to look at them. Yeah that is a good thing.

So I will hope that is enough good talk about them. Other than perhaps that they do like crackers.

And you don't need a blindfold for them either. Yeah, so I think that is a good deal also.
Well at least if you hang around with ducks.

Don't know if I will be ready to like go over and check out any ducks any time soon though. Not my idea of a good time.

But if that is your thing, then cool. I would not prefer it myself. Them duck quack to much for me.

Otis says he loves duck. Something about being with orange sauce. I wonder if that is some kind of blindfold?

Oh well guess I will stick with jelly beans and no blindfold.


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