Sunday, March 09, 2008


I heard of this things. And you know they are like full of electricity and can really sting the butt.

So how come cattle are allowed to have them? How do they even hold them? Seems like a fair question.

Maybe in their mouths? All I know is they better not come near me. Nope that will not do.

And if any stupid cow is messing around with that idea they are in big trouble. No way I plan on letting some darn cow sneak up on me with one of those.

What I want to know is who was the maniac that darn to give these to cows in the first place? Must really be sick.

All I can say is I better not meet that clown. Boy will I tell him what a jerk he is. Guess he is you know some deranged farmer.

Not sure that would be a thing a farmer should be giving cows. Just don't seem right to me.

But then you know people can be strange. Oh yeah, I guess you do have to appreciate how with farmers spending all their time when growing junk and animals they might strange ideas.

All I want to do is make sure they don't come my way. That is my big concern. I mean what these darn cows get loose?

Or what if that dang farmer just decides to let them runamuck? It could happen. Maybe he like gets bored or something.

Of maybe they like threaten him. Who can say what goes through some cow's mind. Really might be scary.

Then they come stampeding into town to get even for everyone drinking all that milk and not giving them any money. All goes to the farmer and they might get pissed off about it.

Well that is okay. I will just not let it be something where they visit me. They can spend all day running around wherever, but I ain't going to be there.

Which is fine. Really is a good deal if they stay away. Hmmm. let me see. You know cheese is made out of milk.

Wow, I could let them visit Junior. Yeah he deserves anything he gets. Hope I can send them his way some time. Now that would be heaven.


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