Tuesday, March 04, 2008


Oh yeah like this really means that. It is more like another time that will never happen. At least that has been my experience.

Because it is normally said by somebody who really doesn't want another time. So they just say it.

And you know they don't mean it because they will never mention the exact time if asked. Oh they always got their reasons.

Just like the creeps who put really heavy junk like chunks of cement in a trash can. Then when you go over to ask them about it they make up some lame comment.

That is providing they even bother to answer the door. Which they often don't. I figure if they are like so darn thoughtless to put that crap in the can then they should be awake at five when I get there to explain themselves.

But man if you knock on their door, providing they actually open it, they will look mostly asleep. And I'm sorry, but a mumble just don't make it for this kind of thing.

Oh well that is okay I guess. I mean they aren't the only ones that give me that kind of trouble.

I got a neighbor who really bugs me on that part. I try to be nice to the guy and he just gets so darn unwilling to be friendly.

And I do try so hard to be a pal. Heck I really try too. I mean I go over there a lot. Each time I try to do a good deed.

Like the other day. There I was you know standing outside and noticed he had a flat tire on his van.

I've heard about how important it is to have your tires balanced. So I figured it would be a good idea to make all his tires the same.

What I did was to let the air out of the other tires. That way they were all the same and thus balanced.

Now you would think he would have appreciated my help. Only he sure didn't seem to feel that way about it.

Nope, he got all upset like I did something wrong. But then you know later after that all was over he did still not act all the friendly.

And even after I had a pizza delivered to his house. Hmmm, maybe I should have not told them to deliver it after midnight.


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