Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Yeah, that sure is what I would lie to know. This happens when somebody decides to you know change the rules and not tell you.

Only they never admit it. So instead they make it sound like it was always that way. Which can really bum a person out.

This is when it sucks. For you are all set to do something and thinking you are cool and then they sneak in there and change junk.

But let me tell you it sure doesn't do any good to complain. Listening to them give you all their lame excuses just don't improve things for me.

In fact I really get more stressed out. Because sometimes not only do the rules change, but the job too.

Which makes it even more frustrating. Let me tell you that is definitely not cool. I sure don't enjoy it.

I guess some think you are supposed to though. Otherwise they wouldn't keep doing it. And since it happens a lot they must really think everyone enjoys this.

Now I ask you is that really a good thing to you? Do you like having your whole day turned to crap?

Not me. And let me tell you that is how it feels. You know you get all set to do things in a cool way and somebody gripes.

Then we really have a problem. It becomes like a knucklehead convention. And the only ones who show up are morons.

This is a good thing? Not to me. And let me tell you I ain't met anyone so far that feels it is good either.

Nope, you can be sure that if we get to vote on it then the vote will not be in favor of stupidity. It has to be the smarts.

And changing crap that don't need to be changed is just down right dumb. I sure didn't vote for it. Nor will I.

Yeah, I sure hope they get that part straight. Because there is no way I plan on doing a darn thing different without warning.

So there! Now that ought to do it. Not sure what it will do, but I bet it will do it. Yep, my mind is set.

All I got to do is convince everyone else.


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