Thursday, February 21, 2008


Does anybody find this to be a good thing? I sure don't. I like sleep and even some naps, but yawns for me always happen when I'm bored.

The other day Otis decided to take us over to this museum. I was thinking cool stuff. Like old junk, stuffed animals, basically the stuff you think will be great to look at.

So there I was totally jazzed and expecting a great Saturday. And I had dreams of fun like moseying around all the exhibits and then a great lunch.

It all sounded fantastic to me. Well right up to the point we got to the door. Then once inside oh man was I disappointed.

I mean this was a museum I guess, but for art. And they didn't even say his last name. Now all I know is this Art dude sure didn't have much of an idea of cool stuff.

All he had was a bunch of stupid paintings and some weird statues. Man talk about dumb stuff.

Anyway we moseyed around this place and I hoped to get a break somehow. But no such luck.

When we finally did finishing at all that stuff I was hoping lunch would make up for it. And Otis figured eating there would work.

So we went into that cafe or whatever you want to call it and I sure was hoping for a nice big burger. Or even some pizza.

But they only had sandwiches and some weird stuff called craps. Looked like a pancake. Only all mushed up and folded.

I tried it, but without enough fudge sauce it just didn't impress me. So I wasn't really impressed with it.

I'm just glad I didn't have to mess with that more than once. Honestly from now on i sure don't plan on spending another day in that place.

And if I do end up going, I'm not going to eat in that place. I might bring my own food. But judging from their pictures some of them looked some somebody spilled on them.

I doubt they would even notice. So I will be happy to take in a nice pizza. But given them crap things I might have to share.

And so I might leave it in the car till we get done. As for Otis, well he can go there all he wants.
I like seeing him pretend to hold in his stomach while he tries to impressed that lady he likes who works there.


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