Monday, February 18, 2008


Well now there are places this makes sense. Like in the bushes at the park. You sure don't want anyone going over their and doing their business there.

Nope that is one type of deposit nobody should want to find. Bet there is on interest on it either.

Sure can't imagine the bank taking some pile of crap as a good type of deposit. Might get really messy, not to mention smelly.

Now outside of that situation, I got to admit I don't understand this deal with no deposit. I've seen it with some bottles.

Like I would try to take a bottle and deposit it in the bank. Oh yeah, that is going to work. I don't know, just sounds weird.

But I guess somebody has tried before. I mean I saw that on enough bottles to assume they were going to try.

Why, I have no idea. In the first place, they don't fit in any ATM deposit slot. So you know it ain't going to work.

And I can't imagine anybody in the bank will be impressed. Plus how would they figure the interest?

You got to wonder about that part. Just doesn't seem to me it would be very much. Bet it is paid in glass too.

Can't figure what I would want with a bunch of pieces of broken glass. That just sounds kind of silly.

But maybe somebody else gets a benefit from the glass. Not me though. They can have my part.

Which I reckon they aren't worried about. For that would suck in my view. Which is the only way I can imagine it would work.

Oh well I guess that is a good thing for people with a hang up over stuff like deposits of weird junk. This is a good deal according to who?

On second thought I don't personally think I want to know. It just is too weird. And those people who like the idea are welcome to it.

As for me, well I will stick with money. It might not be as big as bottles, but it don't break either. A big plus and one I think I will stick with. The bottle people can have it all to themselves.


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