Saturday, February 09, 2008


Yeah, this is supposed to be about good stuff. Well that is the idea. And it sure would be great if that is what it meant.

Only it doesn't seem to work that way. The people I know who say this never seem to have the same idea of nice that I do.

Makes me wonder if they are weird or something. Really kind of said when you have an idea of nice that sucks.

Which is really sad to me. I mean nice ought to be, well nice. And it sure ain't going to be nice if it is crappy.

Now I don't like to keep suggesting we got too many nothing, but problems over at STINK, but sometimes it sure feels like it. Wish it didn't.

I reckon that it is hard you know to have folks devoted to saving the world that don't once and a while have differences. You know even super heroes can have a bad day.

But then you do have to try and get beyond such things. Which might be easier if they didn't keep doing the same thing.

And that is the problem with the nice thing. They got some weird ideas of nice. I know i ought to be happy with any nice, but some are not as easy to enjoy as others.

In any case, I have learned with some people to know nice don't exactly get me all excited. And the top of the list that it fits for me is good old rat boy Junior. Boy he sure does seem to fit into my list a lot.

If I had a jerk championship he would win every time. I doubt he even would have to practice.

Yeah, that kind of sucks when his idea of nice only revolves around stuff like cheese. And it ain't that fun when he doesn't even share.

But then that isn't very surprising. With him nice means only nice for him. Like that works for the rest of us.

Well it sure isn't one that we all smile about. And the only good part is being able to sit back and imagine Junior underneath a diaper service van.

Oh yeah that gives us all a reason to smile. Wish I could have that kind of nice. But then Otis says it wouldn't be that good.

He's funny about such things. I'm sure how boss, Junior's dad would get used to having son that is a pancake.


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