Thursday, February 07, 2008


Okay I get it. This has to do with the sun. Well I hope in a good way. But does this mean the sun is tired and needs help?

I haven't heard anybody say for sure. Kind of makes me wonder. You know like is it going to be a big deal or something?

Well is it? I do feel I have a right to know. If like the sun is going to blow up or something I would hope somebody would us know.

I haven't found anyone who has so far explained it very good. I call around and didn't find anybody who could say.

Oh they told me other junk. Kind of weird too. Honestly this just don't make any sense. I was sitting there and you know didn't figure out what the thing was with these cell deals.

I mean they had this stuff about you need them to make stuff go. Well I got news for them, you don't need any crummy cells from some tree to get things to work right.

I ain't falling for that. Not me. That would be silly. You can count on that not being the case.

I have no idea where they come up with that stuff. I tell you that you sure can run across a lot of people who are not prepared to tell you the truth.

It is like they think you are some kind of dummy. Is that fair? All I wanted to know is about the sun messing up and they give me stupid info.

And they really got strange by telling me how you know this sun stuff works on things like cars. Can you believe that junk?

I know I couldn't. Nope, it sure won't work for me. That will just suck And instead I am going to accept this is all hogwash.

I don't know where they keep this hog that needs to be washed, but I sure wish they get through washing it so I didn't have to mess with it.

Yeah, that will be one thing that will help. Just keep that over where it can get washed and not bug any of us.

Then they can take this whole solar business and try to have it make sense. And I'm talking about without them getting silly and mentioning cars.

As long as they don't bring that in it, there may be hope for this solar thing yet. I sure hope it works out that way.


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