Monday, February 04, 2008


Oh what a joy this is. A chance to move on to somewhere else. Only it never seems to end up with the joy hoped for.

I sure wish it did. Man this is just not a good time when you want it to be. At least not to me.

I keep hoping though. Yeah, that would be so cool. I could live with that option. You know seeing stuff different once and a while.

Really would so cool when that happens. Only problem is that it won't happen when I want it to happen.

I keep hoping you understand. You know a chance to see a little break in the routine. Only that isn't how it ends up.

I always seem to get stuck with some jerk telling me that I can't do something. Like I get to really enjoy that part.

Oh well I just don't get it. I keep hoping things will improve, but somehow I just don't get the cruise down the road I want.

However, I keep hoping. Yeah, that is the fun part. Hoping is cool. It doesn't cost you anything and is fun.

The hard part is you know having it come true. Now that can be tricky. Honestly, just seems like it ought to be an option.

I should have given thought to the number of times that moving is a good thing. Even more so when I have to deal with old rat boy, Junior.

Man if there is one person that can inspire a need to leave and not come back it is him. I tell you he really sucks.

If ever a person needed a reason to not be around it is him. I think if moving were something we could do in terms of not dealing with him, we would.

But I don't get that option. Nope, I just have to let his stupid rat boy face ruin my fun. Oh I have tried to avoid it, but it don't work.

Well you can be sure I am working on way to avoid that. Not doing a great job at the moment, but trying.

And maybe one of these days it will even work. Hard to say, but I do have a moving company in mind just in case. However, the hard part will be getting Junior into a box. Hmmm, maybe with the help of some cheese.


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