Sunday, February 03, 2008


The important part with this is the it part. You know the part that tells you if the it is a good thing or bad thing.

Because you know the it might be like a bazillion dollars. Sure wouldn't want to miss out on that.

Now if you are talking about some big ugly jerk who intends to beat the snot out of you, forget it. I don't want that it. I wouldn't even want that for somebody else either

But then that is me. I just prefer the good types of its. I know, I'm being picky here, but what can I say?

Guess not enough to please some. Yeah, they would be happy messing with any its. And that is fine if you are that nuts.

But that ain't my option. I want to know the it before hand. Not surprises, not even on my birthday.

Unless maybe you are talking about Otis and he giving me the it. Yeah, he can be trusted. Well most of the time.

However he does get weird at times. If he is reeking from the scent of Spam then forget it.

Because his it is going to be some empty can of Spam. And who really needs that? Not me.

And I don't reckon anybody else does either. At least I would hope not I mean I sure will be extra careful when anybody else talks about an it.

Especially like if you were talking about Granny Potts. She is a sweet old lady, but so dang blind.

Anything with her could be an it. And you can be sure I'm not going to want to find out. And no way I want to be there if the it involves like dinners.

I don't like it when she makes something that is suppose to be tasty such as meatloaf and then it turns out to be a pillow or a shoe. That won't quite make me happy.

At least I have gotten her to stop putting gravy on everything. Makes figuring out the it a whole lot easier.

And outside of her, well there are a few other its I won't bother to mention. I would rather forget some of them. Less painful that way. And easier on the stomach when Truly Grimey is making the it.


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