Sunday, January 27, 2008


Gee, I would have never given any thought to fire having to escape from some place. Really does sound kind of weird.

I would have figured that fire could just burn itself through some problem. Hard to be sure why it would have a problem.

But it must be a bigger problem than I could imagine if fire needs an escape from wherever it is trapped. And as long as it escapes somewhere other than to my place then I guess it is okay.

I don't know, this is one of those deals I reckon is fine. Something where I would wish fire good luck at its new location.

But I might be prone to want to know more details. Like was it unhappy where it was? And was it being abused?

Not sure how you actually abuse fire though. Perhaps you use a fire extinguish to scare it. Make it unhappy or something.

And I bet that is not a cool thing to do to fire. Might make it really mad too. Which is okay.

As long as it doesn't decide to get even in some sneaky way. Like attacking your underwear drawer.

Nothing would really be a bigger tragedy than opening up your drawer and finding all your underwear is burnt to a crisp. Doesn't wear too good like that.

Outside of that I reckon I will be happy for fire if it escapes. And how knows perhaps once it escapes it will feel better.

Then do something more worthwhile than just burn up stuff. That would really be great. Only you never know when that will happen for the good.

Can't be sure if fire can be trusted. Haven't talked to it. So can't say what it will really act like.

But that is okay. I will be in no hurry to find out either. Nope, I will just be happy to let fire be off by itself.

And I will do the same. As long as it don't come over to my place and start causing trouble. That will not make me a happy guy.

But I will have to wait and see. Fire so far has not messed up my day. And that is the way I hope to keep it.


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