Thursday, January 17, 2008


Well yep, it is true, there you is. But so what? You want a medal for showing up? I'll give you one if you shut up about it and stop bugging me.

Sorry, but with some people that is how I feel. They are such jerks. Somehow I'm suppose to be thrilled they showed up.

Like that really is going to make my day. As if the world is going to be better because they are here.

Wherever here happens to be at the time. That can depend on the person I guess. All I know is unless you are bringing jelly beans then shut up about it.

Sorry, but if you are going to bore the heck out of me then give me a break and go else where. Yeah, take your greatest of a butt and haul it somewhere that people may care.

I sure am not. Unless you for some reason stop deciding to act like a pain in the butt. Then maybe we can talk.

I guess I appreciate how you know, I do have to realize being a super hero and all that I do attract a few fans. Hard to avoid the hero worshipping.

They do have some weird names for heroes too. Since when is butthead and knucklehead consider as good names for a super hero?

Guess you do have to make allowance for some people being strange. I know how being around a super hero might scramble their brains a tad, but they ought to like learn to control themselves before meeting me.

Oh some do a better job than others. They even act so casual about it that they call me what's his name.

Nice of them to handle hiding their being so nervous. Guess it is nice they have that self control. Even to the point of falling asleep when I talk to them. Now that is what I call impressive.

Well to a point I guess. Not all the time, but some times. An in the process I would be happy if they took time to you know take a break from the acting so casual and did some real worshipping stuff.

More like getting them to take a few hints. Sure would be great if they could do that. I reckon that is too much to ask though.

But I am going to work on it. Like maybe use my bat as persuasion. You know a little touch of special super hero style wake up call. Yep, that ought to make them smile, after they wake up.


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