Saturday, January 12, 2008


Now if you are talking about being needed where you help somebody and they end up being grateful this is a good deal. But if you are like being needed by somebody who is a pain in the butt, forget it.

Like if I have to be needed by old rat boy, Junior Hemoglobin, well that isn't going to be fun. Oh he needs us alright, just not for cool stuff.

I like when we help those such as a damsel in distress. There are a few of them around you know.

I think it might even be a job of some kind. Can't say for sure, but you know who there are all kinds of weird jobs these days.

I imagine there could be a school where they can train for that type of employment. Never seen it listed in papers, but I reckon it probably could be found.

I just don't know if I would care to find out the location. I mean to they like hire out damsel to places in distress? Well do they?

Man I would hate to think of the homework too. Or the tests they offer. I bet it includes you know, some swooning lessons. Damsels in distress seem to do that a lot.

Not that it really is a big deal. Just you know I reckon there really is a lot to this whole damsel thing that somebody considers worth knowing.

Now as a grimefighter I do admit that there are times when saving the world can be kind of exhausting. And so you sort of like to have a good reward to feel it was worth all the trouble.

And I hate to be honest about it here, but you damsels are the best at giving out cool rewards. Really what they offer is a stupid kiss on the cheek. Like I can take that to bank or eat it?

Wish they could do something more helpful like say pass out some jelly beans. That way I could feel I got something decent out of the deal.

Oh you can't quite tell them either. They aren't good at that part. Too much swooning on their part I think.

Don't have time to you know actually go shopping. Maybe if they could not be in distress as much it would help.

You would think they would have a chance to learn the difference and perhaps find better ways to steer clear of the distress stuff at times. Then they wouldn't have to only kisses on cheeks for helping them out.


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