Wednesday, January 09, 2008


Oh man these are the days you can have. The ones that haven't come yet. There is so much you can look forward to that way.

Yep, you got to love it. At least I do. I have all kinds of stuff planned for tomorrow. Just hope I can get them all figured out before the day comes.

Yeah, nothing worse than a busted tomorrow. Maybe bruised would work. You know just a little sprained where you still had a chance to stuff to happen?

Not sure though if I would even like that part though. Just sort of takes some of the joy out of thinking about tomorrow.

What is really cool about tomorrow is that you never run out of them. Nope, you can depend upon there always being more of them.

Well most of the time. I mean not really clear on that part about tomorrows in Heaven. I asked Reverend Analbe about it once and he was sort of vague about it.

From best as I could figure out there were no calendars in heaven. At least none that I could find out.

All I got from him was something about mansions and golden streets and all the donuts you can eat. Yep, it was really strange to me.

But I'm sure tomorrow figured in there somewhere. Just haven't got a clue where. Which is okay I guess.

However, if you ask me, I think I will just sort of concentrate on the tomorrows I can have hear. Those I know I can count on.

Just wish I could like figure a way to make today more like tomorrow. They are always so perfect.

And let me tell you that is something I don't mind concentrating on either. Nope, not at all.

Really will just be happy if I get all those tomorrow worked out till today is just like them. Hmmm, I wonder if that time change thing has anything to do with it?

Might have to check with Otis on that one. But not sure he will help that much. He has been getting weird about answering questions later.

I guess I should have not asked him about that one thing. Where I figured that toilets might work as mixing bowls. In case you had to like make a cake while in the bathroom. Well it was just an idea.


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