Friday, January 04, 2008


Well this can be fun. Most places at least. Unless you are talking like a hospital. Then you have a problem.

Because those people who run that place are down right weird. I mean they only let you be friendly at certain hours.

Like the sick people can only get better on certain hours. Which really is bizarre from my view.

I mean is that the way their medicines work? You do got to wonder. At least I do. And let me tell you that I'm not impressed with that kind of medicine.

Perhaps that is why they have one of those intensive care units. Yeah, they don't have enough care for everyone all the time so they can only do it for some at time.

Really sucks from my view. I wonder if like they draw straws or something to decide who is the lucky stiff that gets all the attention.

The rest are just out of luck. So they limit when you can see them so nobody gets suspicious.

Which is pretty darn sneaky if you ask me. Only I don't buy into being a good thing. Nope, I think this is one of those yucky things.

Like you know there is something wrong and they don't want us to know about it. Which would also explain why it takes so long when you are there to get any help.

I bet they are spending the time hiding whatever they don't want you to know about. Like running around at the last moment to hide something they don't want us to see.

Not sure I even want to find out either. That would be awful if like they are doing brain transplants and got you on the donor list.

We can forget that part. I'm not volunteering for that option. No way. My brain might not be perfect, but it is my brain.

I don't want any crazy doctor deciding he wants to like wash my brain or something. I heard they do stuff like that.

I mean what if they try putting it in a dryer and it shrinks? I don't want any shrunken head. My beanie wouldn't fit.

You got to keep those things in mind when you are a super hero. I have my reputation to consider. Wouldn't be much fun or convincing, if my beanie kept falling over my eyes because my head was to small.

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: "Why can stop signs till us how to stop crap we do and don't want to?"


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