Thursday, January 10, 2008


Now somebody tell me what the big deal with this thing is. You are paying for stuff you get to use, but don't get to keep.

This is a good thing? According to who? Not to me. I feel there is enough junk in the world I pay to use and keep without buying more stuff that I can't keep.

Now want I'm curious about is what happens if this has to do with food or drink? I sure don't think I want any leased jelly beans that I have to barf up later.

But I guess this is a good deal to some people. They will lease like cars and houses and junk.

Since I don't mess with any of those I don't worry about them much. Might be cool in some ways though.

I mean you could like fart in the car and really stink it up and then give it back. Bet they wouldn't be less than happy over that part.

The only thing I can figure is the leasing dudes are maybe like you know, extra generous. So they let you use their stuff for fee since they wouldn't use it otherwise.

Boy I wish they could lease out brains. Oh yeah that would be a great idea. Shoot you could probably get a good deal on say old rat boy's brain.

Heck, never seen him use it so I figure it would be such a bargain. But I reckon old Junior's brain is clogged with cheese, so maybe that isn't a good deal.

Beside the person might end up taking over his job. Then I would have to put up with some new boss.

And that is no fun. A boss can be cool at times. Others a creep. Only I sure don't want to change them very often.

Never seen any lease a boss program. The way I hear some bosses act I reckon I would give them back.

But it would be my luck that they wouldn't take Junior no matter what. Yeah, I can see me getting stuck with him forever.

I wonder if they have some kind of you know guarantees against stupid so I could get a break if they did decide to let Junior be leased?

Well it might be worth finding out. Maybe only for a bit. Yep, the kind of day where you have to find out too late that Junior didn't get returned and you still go stuck with his brain not in use.


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