Monday, January 14, 2008


Okay you know this is an really important question. One I sure ask it a lot. About a lot of things.

And I wish asking it got me some answers. But it never does. Not even when I ask somebody who is suppose to know junk.

It is like that stupid operator over at the phone company. They say they give out information, but it sure doesn't seem like the kind that really helps me much.

I mean I tried calling them to ask important questions like what the zip code is for the North Pole. You would figure they would get that question all the time.

But did they answer my question? NOOOO! Which really made me mad. Not as much as when I wanted to known Santa's hat size. Thought I would send him a beanie for variety from that elf hat he wears.

And don't let me get started on the time I asked about how bit Rudolph's butt was? Hey, I got a ride to know.

But they sure didn't seem to think so. And let me tell you that sucked. However, I think i learned from that situation.

Been taking my business to the library these days. Actually I took it to the mall first. Only those guys at that information booth were no help at all.

They did introduce me to that security dude who wanted to show me some wrestling moves. Didn't know you needed a night club for wrestling.

But seeing how getting a headache in the process resulted from all that wrestling I figured it was best to try elsewhere. Which is of course why I've been trying the public library

And they sure do have the nicest folks working there. Too bad they get sick so often. Always seem to happen too right after I show up.

Sorry they get so sick right at that moment. I really wanted to know how bad an elephant's fart stinks compare to a human's?

I mean why shouldn't I have a right to know that. You never know when you might be in some place that stinks.

And there might be an elephant hiding somewhere. The kind that would stomp on you just to hear you bones go squish.

So I figure knowing that is really a good and important thing to know. But you just can't get the librarian's to appreciate the importance. I'm just waiting for the day when some elephant ends up stomping on them after hiding in some closet. Yeah where they pretend to be a trunk. They do that a lot from what I've been told.


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