Wednesday, February 06, 2008


I sure don't like this idea. I mean I have never talked to energy so I got no idea what kind of crisis it would have.

I sure hope it don't like freak out and do something weird. I mean there is a lot of energy stuff lying around so hard to say what would get messed up.

Now I know I would kind of wonder about those things called energy drinks. I kind of wonder what energy would put in them?

And you know that could be a big concern. Like is this cool stuff or what? And if we drink it will we end up having a crisis?

I don't reckon I would be in too much of a hurry to find out. Nope that wouldn't work for me.

I can only hope to find out before this energy whatever freaks out or does whatever it will do. Got to wonder on that part.

In any case, I'm not talking any chances. I think I will just you know sit back and have fun.

Oh I might try to keep you know an eye on things like batteries. Make sure they ain't planning any weird stuff.

You got to wonder what it might be thinking. I know I would. Oh well that is not my problem.

Unless things get crazy. That can happen you know. And I sure don't imagine I will want to find out if I don't have too.

So I can only if this energy decides to have a big crisis it won't happen where I am. Must be some kind of place where it can go.

I guess it could like check the yellow pages. Yeah they got all kinds of good stuff in there.

But I hope if it needs to do that it won't bother me in the process. I got enough things to worry about.

And you never know when that will be better off forgotten. Hmmm, I wonder how tough it would be to accomplish.

Maybe I will give that a try. Yeah that would be a good choice. Let me see, have I forgot yet?

Not yet. Well I will work on it.


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