Tuesday, February 05, 2008



Okay do I need to be concerned about this? I mean is there some plot out there to steal nations?

Well is there? Seems like something I have a right to know. And let me tell you I sure do work and giving it lots of thought.

Now the first concern I have is how do you steal a nation? Wouldn't somebody be likely to notice it was missing?

I think I might suspect something if went outside one day and it wasn't there any longer. Those are the kinds of things you just don't forget.

So I sure would wish if somebody would make clear if this is going to become a problem. You know so it won't come as shock or something.

Now the way I figure it this would be a great thing to not overlook. Yeah, that would be good thing to find out before it is too late.

Now I also want to know who all is like in charge of making sure people don't steal a nation. I would sort of understand how the army dudes might be willing to take care of that problem.

Only I'm not clear on if they all have time. I mean what with all that marching and junk I can see where it might be hard for them to be on watch for nation stealers.

So I reckon the National Guard would sort of take care of it. Kinds of fits with their name.

I heard they are called the weekend warriors. So does that mean they only worry about nations getting stolen on weekends?

Sure would bother me. I mean shoot what would keep those darn creeps from sneaking in during the middle of the week and taking a nation.

Oh well I guess that is to be expected that some don't pay attention to that kind of detail. Heck I figured we need to do something.

Yeah, we need to be sure those crummy nation thieves aren't planning anything sneaky. And then we can put a stop to it.

Before we get too far away from making sure we that we are safe from these jerks. Yep, we can really take this serious.

Oh man I hope we don't need any extra bats. Yeah, this is not a time to run short on our whacking options.


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